Bertie's Pledge

A painting of Bertie, the Tibetan Terrier (click to grow, and browser Back button to return)

My pledge, is to bring down the Chinese Government by peaceful means, because the brutality, torture and murder has continued for so long. I have no argument with the Chinese people - only those who abuse human rights in Tibet, and China itself - your days are numbered !

(Don't miss a great poem and other stuff, further down)


  1. Hello... Thank you for stopping by and following my blog.
    I too believe in overcoming obstacles that our Government as well as other countries who abuse the rights and privileges of all humans in the only way possible. In a peaceful manner. Voicing one's constructive opinion in a positive structure is what I advocate. Petitioning in a violent manner is uncalled for and besides the Government does well bringing violence upon themselves. "FREE TIBET"
    Cheers to you!!!

  2. Hope to read more posts in the near future. Have a safe and wonderful week. Cheers!


Please comment, if you are constructive and peaceful !